Facts and Key Questions About VERA


  • The assignment is to move containers from the DFDS logistics centre in Gothenburg to an APM terminals container terminal according to needed capacity.
  • The autonomous system is monitored by an operator in a control tower who is also responsible for the transport.
  • The solution is suited for repetitive flows with a maximum speed of 40 km/h.
  • Infrastructure adaptations are part of the scope in the implementation of the total transport system, including automated gates at the terminals. 
  • Volvo Trucks and DFDS are main partners but several actors are involved in implementing Vera’s first assignment.

Volvo VERA - The Autonomus Vehicle


answered By Mikael Karlsson, Vice President Autonomous Solutions, Volvo Trucks

Q1. What does Vera offer customers?

Ans.  For Volvo Trucks it is important to offer a premium experience, giving our customers peace of mind and trouble-free transport solutions. We believe that Vera can take us further on this journey.

Q2. How will it impact the transport industry?

Ans. In places like ports and mega-logistics centres, I think we will see much higher delivery precision, as well as improved flexibility and productivity. Today’s operations are often designed according to standard daytime work hours, but a solution like Vera opens up the possibility of continuous round-the-clock operation and a more optimal flow. This in turn can minimise stock piles and increase overall productivity.

Q3. How will this affect truck drivers?

Ans. Obviously, this will affect drivers in these applications, but in the big picture we foresee an increased need for skilled drivers. I strongly believe that technology drives prosperity and takes society forward. In many factories today, some parts of the production are highly automated while some still need to be operated by people. I believe that the transport industry will evolve the same way. I foresee that there will be an increased level of automation where it makes sense, such as for repetitive tasks. This in turn will drive prosperity and increase the need for truck drivers in other applications.
Volvo VERA - The Autonomus Vehicle

Q4. How will it impact society?

Ans. Round the clock operations could mean faster delivery times for consumer products. Moreover, since the vehicles are electric, society can benefit from reduced noise, road congestion and exhaust emissions.

Q5. Is VERA safe?

Ans. Everything we do is engineered to be safe, and we are taking all necessary precautions. We are looking at what is needed in terms of infrastructure, on the vehicles and in a control tower. The vehicles have a lower operating speed, and they are equipped with a number of sensors, radars and cameras. By starting with slower speed in a clearly defined area and then gradually increase speed and building infrastructure, we are confident that we are taking a safe path towards automation.

Q6. What is the next step for VERA?

Ans. To begin with, we will operate over short distances in repetitive flows. As we gain more experience, we can look into expanding into other applications. However, Vera is not intended to be a solution for everyone, everywhere. It is a solution that we will adapt and tailor from user to user, depending on their unique needs.

Know About The Autonomus Vehicle - VERA


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